BBQ starters

BBQ starters

BBQ starters are indispensable to kick off your barbecue session! But what exactly do we mean with BBQ starters? Well, this concerns all barbecue accessories which ensure that you can light your barbecue in a quick and safe way. Barbecook has an extensive range of barbecues. You don’t light every type of BBQ in the same way. Barbecook therefore offers different BBQ starters for each type of BBQ.  Read more

BBQ starters for charcoal barbecues, wood barbecues, kamado barbecues and fire baskets

Lighting a charcoal barbecue requires a bit more patience than lighting another type of BBQ. However, you can make it very easy for yourself by using the following practical BBQ starter: the Barbecook charcoal starter. In combination with quality coals, some lighter cubes or wood wool firelighters and a match or lighter, lighting your charcoal barbecue will become child's play! Also a fire basket is easily lit by using the right BBQ starter. A few good logs, firelighters, some lighting gel and a match or lighter. In short, BBQ starters are indispensable to make it a nice and deliciously fiery experience! 

BBQ starters for gas barbecues and planchas

Gas barbecues and planchas run on gas. We recommend that you always choose propane gas. It's also very important to buy the appropriate gas regulator to connect your gas bottle to your appliance. This ensures that the pressure on the gas bottle is reduced. The gas pressure varies from region to region, so it's recommended to buy these BBQ starters locally.

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